Eating disorder recovery that empowers you

Eating disorder recovery that empowers you

Morgan Psychology Recovery Hug

Mental and physical recovery at home

You are in the driver’s seat.

Wherever you live, whatever stage of the journey, access mental and physical health care from the comfort of your own home. We reach as far as the remote Pilbara in Western Australia and that means we can reach you, wherever you live.

Clear steps to recovery backed by science that help you build confidence and connection. Not sure if you are ready to change? That’s okay! The choice will always be in your hands.

Virtual care, delivered to your space

Connect with our virtual care team of clinical psychologists and dietitians. We offer evidence-based programs, such as cognitive behavioural therapy and family-based treatment for eating disorders, trauma, anxiety and depression. 

We are curious and creative problem solvers who specialise in clinical psychology and dietetics. With decades of experience helping Western Australians move through recovery programs, we help you find value in building a life without eating disorders, anxiety, and depression.  Our experience: Head of eating disorders clinical and research programs at the Centre for Clinical Interventions in Perth, clinical trials of digital mental health interventions for adolescents at the Institute of Psychiatry in London, Autism Association of Western Australia and senior clinical psychologist at Perth Children’s Hospital and WA Country Health Service.  Our Director, Bronny, is a member of the Australian and New Zealand Academy of Eating Disorders, is on the editorial board for the International Journal of eating Disorders and holds a research affiliation with Curtin University.

The window of opportunity when you ask for help with an eating disorder is precious.

Backed by science.
Wrapped in art.

Therapy is not just tears and tissues. It is a space to pause and breathe, be curious, learn, find courage, experiment, do things differently, challenge old thinking, make mistakes over and over, laugh, connect, and feel empowered to just be you.

We take programs that are backed by science and wrap them in art. We are currently conducting a pilot evaluation of our recovery hugs kits, a supporting tool for evidence based treatment.  

Supported by a LotteryWest IdeaStarter grant.

Data, Research and Evidence Based

Putting you at the steering wheel

Connect with others through our group programs and events.

We are currently accepting expressions of interest for EMBODY – an in-person event in Perth for anyone aged 16+ years who wants to build body acceptance.  The event combines evidence-based cognitive behavioural therapy skills, with engaging sessions with special guests such as Perth photographers and yoga instructors.

Contact us to find out more – plus view the information from our last course to understand the inclusions.

Morgan Psychology Group ProgramMorgan Psychology Group Program

Finding the evidence for what makes you better.

We utilise data, research, and feedback to continually learn and improve what we do. Then we put the data back into your hands so you can understand what works best for you.

If your research organisation would like to partner with Morgan Psychology to evaluate and develop evidence-based tools for eating disorder recovery, we’d love to chat. Contact Us to reach the team.

We Reach Regional and Metro Western Australia