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All pricing is in Australian dollars.  You can cancel or change plans any time.

Clinician - Learn on-demand (CBT-ED kickstart)
$349 for 3 Months
One-off access to the cognitive behavioural therapy for eating disorders (CBT-ED) kickstart course.
Step-by-step guide to setting up the first 4 sessions of CBT-ED
Instructional videos
Digital tools
Access content any time, wherever you live or work
CPD: 5 hours
Clinician - Learn on-demand (unlimited access, 6-months)
$599 / 6 Months
Unlimited access to all courses in the cognitive behavioural therapy for eating disorders (CBT-ED) series. CPD: 13 hours **This training has been approved by NEDC as meeting the requirement of Evidence-Based Treatment Model (CBT-ED) training as required for the ANZAED Eating Disorder Credential**
Everything included in the CBT-ED kickstart course
+ ALL other courses in the CBT-ED series
+ New courses released monthly
+ Clinician toolkit
CPD: 13 hours
Clinician - Learn as a cohort
$1,200 for 1 Year
Learn in an intimate, cohort-based environment connected with other mental health clinicians. **This training has been approved by NEDC as meeting the requirement of Evidence-Based Treatment Model (CBT-ED) training as required for the ANZAED Eating Disorder Credential**
+ Everything included in the CBT-ED course series
+ 6 x monthly group supervision sessions
+ Virtual open door (access support between sessions)
+ Bonus content (not available through other subscriptions)
CPD: 22 hours